
Building a Cloud Native Application using Spring

Cloud native applications are one of the most impactful ways of building applications for the global population. Spring Boot mixed with Spring Cloud gives developers a rapid starting point for building Cloud Native as well as Microservices based systems. WHAT ARE MICROSERVICES? It is similar to Services Oriented Architecture or SOA but are not SOA. In Microservices, the communication is mostly being made using REST or gRPC (uses Protocol Buffers as binary data interchange) where SOA communicates using SOAP.  A single microservice is a single domain, single purpose service such as data service and process service. WHY SPRING BOOT? Spring Boot was designed for two main purposes, Microservices is one of them. Spring cloud adds 12 factor plumbing to a Java Based Microservices Application. Our main focus is to Build a Microservices and Cloud Native Application rather than a Spring Based Application. Spring Boot with the help of Spring Cloud serves the purpose. TY

RESTful WebServices

Nowadays, people new to Software Developement hear the term REST Service or REST API very often but still couldn't ask or get a deep insight into what they exactly are. Let's cover that here. Normally two computers (usually one is client and other is server) communicate using HTTP protocol where client sends a request in Browser to server and Server responds with some data embedded in HTML Page. If client itself is a server for other clients, and it wants to use the data of the response from the first server, it can't utilise it from HTML Page. So Here comes web services which allows server to send just data. The web services can be either REST services which we will talk about or SOAP Web services, which are not so popular nowadays and aren't discussed here. Restful Webservice is a service which is built on the REST architecture. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. Note: Api and Rest are used interchangeably. API stands for Application Program In

Learn any programming language easily and fast in Just 11 Steps

In my last article, I gave an introduction to what Programming Languages are and why do we use them. I hope it must have given some people the desire to learn and get started. In this article, I am back to help you in your journey. If you want to learn any language without struggling, then this article is for you. By following this approach, you can learn any language in no time and start developing cool stuff. I know this statement might sound some magic and People with experience won't like it, but like any other subject, Programming languages are vast subject and requires years of experience to master it. And with my experience, I assure you that you don't need to learn whole subject at one go. You need to get started and start developing. The more you develop and create things, more you will learn and grow. Ultimate goal is solving problems. So Follow the steps: Learn to build a Hello World Program Every program has a famous Hello World Program which simp

What is Computer Programming? How to get started

We always get fascinated whenever we see a tech geek doing some amazing stuff or when we see some  technology in movies, books or social media. We want to learn and use that thing but most of us never could because no one is there to teach us or we don't have time or resources to learn about it. If you want to break that thought and get started, this blog is for you. Computer is a machine that doesnt understand the language, we humans speak. Though surely it can perform tasks more effectively and quickly than humans, still we need to tell it the tasks to do. Computers speak and understand binary language . Can we humans command computer in binary language? The answer is NO ! We can understand binary language but we can't use it to communicate with computers. The only solution is to translate the language we speak to language computers can understand. How does this happens? We write the instructions or commands that we want computer to follow in a special langau

All time best Graphic Design and Illustration tools

In simple words, A Design can be a Plan to construct something or a Result of a plan. Person who creates these designs is called a Designer. They can be related to any area - Fashion, Web or Interior. A set of engineers called Architects are also Designers.  Here we are going to talk about Graphic Designers and Illustrators. We try to cover general doubts related to terms and tools in the mind of beginners. Graphic Desining Its an art that helps to communicate ideas with the use of visuals. Many organisation use Graphic Design to sell, promote and advertise their brand, products and services. The elements that translate into visuals are Line, Color, Space, Shape, Typography and Texture. An emerging area that is coming out Gradually is of Illustration. They are defined as interpretation of an idea. We usually find the ones in magazines, posters, video games and animations. Trending technologies in Illustration world are Vector Graphics and Freehand Digital Illustrat

Top 20 Hacking Movies to Watch During Covid Quarantine 2020

Following are the all the time best technology movies you can watch in 2020: SWORDFISH There exists a world within our world. A world beneath what we call cyberspace. A world protected by firewalls, passwords and the most advanced security systems. In this world we hide our deepest secrets, our most incriminating information, and of course, a whole lot of money. This is the world of "Swordfish." The world's most dangerous spy is hired by the CIA to coerce a computer hacker recently released from prison to help steal $6 billion in unused government funds. THE ITALIAN JOB After a heist in Venice, Steve (Edward Norton) turns on his partners in crime, killing safecracker John Bridger (Donald Sutherland) and keeping all the gold for himself. The rest of the team, including leader Charlie Croker (Mark Wahlberg), driver Handsome Rob (Jason Statham), explosives man Left Ear (Mos Def) and tech geek Lyle (Seth Green), vows revenge. They enlist the help of Bridg